Is talent retention the M&A challenge?

In a sector where people are at the centre of the value proposition, yes. But isn’t it also, and above all, a real opportunity to develop a solid managerial policy and to make the values of a company a supporting, unifying and differentiating base?

Whilst it may be true that the world of work is being turned upside down by new generations of talent in search of meaning, keen to be autonomous, eager to start their own business or even more attentive to the benefits and working conditions offered by the company, it is also possible to see this new context as a real opportunity rather than a fatality.

Interviewed a few months ago in an article for Le Nouvel Économiste on the talent drain in the M&A sector, Jean-Michel Cagin, Managing Partner at Amala, insists on the need to work on the integration and development of talent and to understand each position as a whole, beyond the simple argument of remuneration. “We must of course, and in particular with junior staff, ensure that our positions are financially appealing, but above all we must offer the best working platform”.

Indeed, while salary remains an essential criterion in recruitment, retention is based more on the work environment and atmosphere, on the way the job is practised, on the possibility of participating in a common project, on the understanding of the company’s challenges and long-term interests to which each employee contributes, on the personal prospects that he or she may benefit from in the company (skills development, assuming new responsibilities, projects in line with his or her aspirations, etc.).
This observation makes it possible to position management as a highly strategic asset.

This intuition is confirmed and tested daily at Amala, where commitment, boldness and excellence are the driving forces behind the adventure: three elements that undoubtedly enable us to meet the expectations of these new generations. This translates into a collective culture, sharing knowledge, taking responsibility, an extremely high level of demand, exposure to new situations within a horizontally functioning structure, all supporting a common objective: to contribute to an ambitious future. As Jean-Michel Cagin explains, “The team is at the centre of everything: our current challenge is to build and strengthen our human resources in the face of strong competition and a workload that is not decreasing”.

Indeed, at the very origins of the Amala project, we find the desire to develop a professional practice around talented people who are complementary and share common values.
“For a daring future”, a promise that can only be fulfilled with the talents of today and tomorrow, we are convinced of that!

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